Java Applet Of Moving Plane
“applet” class [crayon-5a2bba683bee2088117531/] HTML File [crayon-5a2bba683beee040054666/] How to Run After compilation you can use “appletviewer” to run your applet. appletviewer xyz.html
Pursuing MCA from YMCA University, Faridabad
“applet” class [crayon-5a2bba683bee2088117531/] HTML File [crayon-5a2bba683beee040054666/] How to Run After compilation you can use “appletviewer” to run your applet. appletviewer xyz.html
What is #include “stdafx.h” It is a custom header file of Visual Studio. You can see it’s content from right click menu There are more header files inside it. There is description of each header file(if you open them) scanf not working. You will get error if you use ‘scanf’ Instead Read more…
HCF and LCM [crayon-5a2bba683cfcd038500187/] LCM LCM can be calculated using a*b/HCF
[crayon-5a2bba683d3ed604610411/] Discussion In above code sample we have not enclosed sum/length into Parentheses but in some programs we have enclosed arithmetic calculations into parentheses. It is because /,*,% are not overloaded while + is overloaded and that’s why (-) will also be trouble in situations where (+) precedes (-) in Read more…
[crayon-5a2bba683d9f0428213946/] Discussion In above code sample we have used str.length() where length() is a function but for array length we use array.length where length is property.
Simple [crayon-5a2bba683dd16601836136/] Recursive [crayon-5a2bba683dd20233824575/]
[crayon-5a2bba683e037764628185/] Discussion Above is long and tedious way to convert decimal to binary. Other way is : [crayon-5a2bba683e059297719937/]
[crayon-5a2bba683e340534505915/] We can use Math class sqrt [crayon-5a2bba683e362126446632/] Discussion Give Input as command line arguments : java PerfectSquare 36
[crayon-5a2bba683e668878004191/] Output [crayon-5a2bba683e688320013151/]